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K'Ho, Cơ Ho, or Koho belongs to one of the 53 ethnic minorities in Vietnam. They speak their own Mon-Khmer language, which differs from Vietnamese to such an extent that the Vietnamese…
Few people know that Vietnam is the second-largest producer and exporter of coffee in the world, right behind Brazil, while it has 25 times smaller area. However, up to 97% of the coffee…
Even before the coffee begins to be processed, an equally important part is the collection itself. Since coffee cherries usually do not ripen on the tree at the same time, this initial…
The term "specialty coffee" was first used in a 1974 magazine "Tea & Coffee Trade Journal" by Erna Knutsen, who is known as a legend and godmother of specialty coffee. It shouldn´t…
My Vietnam journey started in the summer of 2016. I can hardly call myself a traveller or adventurer of any kind. I can count the number of flights I've been on with the fingers of…